How To Be More Strategic: 7 Tips & Best Practices For Leaders

Article by 
Tefi Alonso
  —  Published 
August 13, 2024
August 14, 2024
One page article summary - How To Be More Strategic
One page article summary - How To Be More Strategic

Understanding how to be more strategic is a critical skill that separates successful professionals from the rest. Strategic thinking is the key to transforming visions into reality, driving growth, and achieving long-term success.

Yet, the concept of being "strategic" often feels elusive and hard to pin down. How exactly does one develop a strategic mindset? What steps can you take to ensure you are thinking and acting strategically in your role?

In this article we'll offer clear, actionable advice on how to cultivate a strategic mindset and apply it effectively in your professional life. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of what it means to be a strategic leader and the tools to enhance your strategic thinking skills.

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Understanding Strategic Thinking

Before diving into the best practices and actionable tips, it's essential to grasp what strategic thinking truly entails. Strategic thinking is more than just planning for the future; it's about making connections, anticipating challenges, and envisioning different scenarios that could impact your business. It’s a mindset that prioritizes long-term goals and outcomes over short-term wins.

What Defines a Strategic Thinker?

A strategic thinker approaches problem-solving and decision-making comprehensively. This requires a blend of creativity, analytical skills, and foresight. At its core, being a strategic thinker involves:

  • Vision: The ability to see the big picture and understand the broader context of your actions and decisions.
  • Planning: Developing a roadmap that outlines how to achieve long-term objectives.
  • Analysis: Evaluating data, trends, and patterns to inform decisions.
  • Adaptability: Being flexible and responsive to changing circumstances and new information.
  • Execution: Translating strategic plans into actionable steps that drive results.
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The Importance of a Strategic Mindset

Adopting a strategic mindset is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you align your efforts with the overall goals of your organization. By understanding the long-term vision, you can prioritize tasks that contribute to these objectives, ensuring your work has a meaningful impact.

Secondly, strategic thinking enhances your ability to navigate uncertainty. In a rapidly changing business environment, the ability to anticipate and respond to challenges is invaluable. Strategic thinkers are better equipped to identify potential risks and opportunities, allowing them to make informed decisions that drive success.

Lastly, a strategic mindset fosters innovation. By thinking beyond the immediate and considering different perspectives, strategic thinkers can develop creative solutions to complex problems. This ability to innovate is essential for maintaining a competitive edge and driving growth.

benefits of adopting a strategic mindset diagram: alignment, focus, innovation
The 3 benefits of a strategic mindset diagram

👇🏻 With a clear understanding of what strategic thinking involves, we can now explore the best practices and tips to help you become more strategic in your role.

Best Practices & Tips To Boost Your Strategic Thinking Skills

Developing strategic thinking skills requires intentional effort and practice. The following best practices, drawn from insights shared by our strategy experts Laura Blackmore and Miriam Lesa, provide actionable steps to help you become a better strategic thinker.

1. Keep your vision top of mind

A clear long-term vision is fundamental to strategic thinking. As Laura, Head of Strategy Execution at Cascade, emphasizes:

"Getting behind the vision of the organization and being super clear on where the business is heading is crucial."

To develop a long-term vision, start by defining what success looks like for your organization in five to ten years. Identify the key levers that will drive growth, such as revenue generation, customer acquisition, or market expansion.

To articulate your vision, create a compelling narrative that aligns with your organization's values and goals. This narrative should be communicated consistently to ensure all key stakeholders understand and are motivated by the long-term objectives.

💡 How to achieve this: A best practice is to constantly communicate your vision to the entire organization. When setting objectives with your teams, ensure they understand how their contributions align with and drive toward the long-term vision.

2. Set clear goals

Clear, actionable goals are the backbone of any successful strategy.

"One of the easiest things you can do to become more strategic is to make sure that you have clear goals," says Miriam, Strategy Execution Director at Cascade.

Goals should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework ensures that goals are clear and attainable, providing a roadmap for success.

Aligning personal and organizational goals is also critical. By understanding the overarching objectives of your organization, you can set personal goals that contribute to these broader aims. This alignment not only enhances your strategic impact but also ensures that your efforts are recognized and valued within the organization.

💡 How to achieve this: Use tools that allow you to track goals in real-time. Cascade enables you to set and track goals, ensuring updated progress and alignment with organizational objectives.

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3. Create space for strategic thinking

Strategic thinking requires dedicated time and mental space.

"Create time in your diary for the thinking," advises Laura.

This could mean setting aside time each week for strategic planning and reflection. Use this time to step back from daily tasks, consider the bigger picture, and explore new ideas.

Overcoming common obstacles to strategic thinking, such as the pressure of immediate tasks, is essential. Delegate routine tasks to free up time for strategic activities.

As Miriam notes, "You have to allow for the space and for the other perspectives to come in."

Creating a culture that values strategic thinking and allows for this dedicated time is crucial for long-term success.

💡 How to achieve this: Block off specific times in your calendar each week for strategic thinking sessions. Treat these sessions as non-negotiable appointments to ensure you have the mental space to focus.

4. Leverage data and intuition

Balancing data-driven decisions with intuitive insights is key to effective strategic thinking. While data provides a solid foundation for decision-making, intuition allows for creativity and innovation.

"The most inspiring strategic thinkers use their intuition more so than anything," Miriam highlights.

To leverage both, start with a thorough analysis of available data to inform your decisions. Then, apply your intuition to explore possibilities that data alone might not reveal. This combination can lead to more innovative and effective strategies, as evidenced by business leaders who successfully anticipate trends and seize opportunities.

💡 How to achieve this: Talk with different people from various teams and even customers. These conversations provide valuable insights that can inform your intuition and enhance your decision-making process.

5. Incorporate empathy into leadership

Empathy plays a vital role in strategic leadership.

"Empathetic, strategic, smart people... that's the vibe that I want and I want to absorb that from them," shares Laura.

Understanding and considering the perspectives of team members, customers, and stakeholders can lead to more inclusive and effective strategies.

Empathetic leaders can better anticipate the needs and motivations of others, which is crucial for strategic planning and execution. Incorporating empathy into your strategic thinking fosters a positive and collaborative work environment that drives innovation.

💡 How to achieve this: Conduct regular one-on-one meetings with team members and listen to their challenges. Extend this empathy to other stakeholders, including customers, to create more inclusive and effective strategies.

6. Delegate and empower your team

Effective delegation is essential for strategic leadership.

"Delegating tasks to your team members, having the trust that they can do that, allows you to create that space for strategic thinking and creativity," Miriam advises.

By delegating routine tasks, leaders can focus on strategic activities that drive long-term success.

Empowering your team through delegation also boosts their confidence and skills, leading to a more capable and motivated workforce. This hands-off approach allows leaders to concentrate on high-impact strategic decisions, knowing that their team can handle operational tasks.

💡 How to achieve this: Identify tasks that can be delegated and match them with team members' strengths. Empower your team to lead projects, fostering their leadership skills and ensuring they feel valued and responsible. This approach encourages them to start thinking strategically as well.

7. Engage in continuous learning and perspective building

Broadening your perspective through continuous learning is vital for strategic thinking.

Laura recommends, "Surrounding yourself with great strategic thinkers and learning from diverse sources. Engaging with mentors, exploring other industries, and staying updated with the latest trends can provide valuable insights and inspire new ideas."

Continuous learning ensures that you remain adaptable and open to new opportunities. By regularly seeking out new knowledge and perspectives, you can enhance your strategic thinking and stay ahead of the curve in your industry.

💡 How to achieve this: Identify areas where you feel less confident and pursue courses to build those skills. Follow leaders who inspire you on social media and learn from their insights and experiences.

By incorporating these best practices and tips into your daily work, you can develop a more strategic mindset and drive long-term success for your organization.

7 expert actionable tips to be more strategic diagram image list
Save & share these actionable tips!

Becoming More Strategic Is An Ongoing Journey

Becoming more strategic is not an overnight transformation. By understanding and embracing the essence of strategic thinking, you can significantly enhance your impact in your professional role.

These best practices will help you cultivate a strategic mindset that not only benefits your career but also drives your organization toward sustained success. Remember, the journey to becoming more strategic involves consistent effort, reflection, and adaptation. Embrace this journey, and you will unlock your full potential as a strategic leader.

Cascade: Your Ally To Developing A Strategic Mindset

Becoming a strategic thinker requires the right tools and support. Cascade, the number one strategy execution platform, can play a pivotal role in this journey.

Cascade helps turn visions into reality by acting as the strategic brain of your organization. With Cascade, you can plan, execute, and track your strategies in one place, improving efficiency and speeding up decision-making.

By integrating Cascade into your strategic planning process, you can ensure that your long-term vision and goals are consistently aligned with your daily operations. This integration not only enhances your ability to execute your strategic plans but also fosters a culture of strategic thinking throughout your organization. Cascade’s comprehensive features enable you to monitor progress, adjust strategies as needed, and maintain a clear focus on your long-term objectives.

👉🏻 If you want to see Cascade in action, book a free 1-1 tour with our strategy experts or create a free account and try it out for yourself!

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