Cascade Platform Overview

The #1 Rated Strategy
Execution Platform

See faster, more efficient results against your strategic metrics, investments, and initiatives.

thousands of global organizations depend on Cascade
The strategic brain of your business

Bring your strategy closer to the reality of your business


Connect your siloed metrics, initiatives, and investments.


Accelerate decisions & work towards your goals.


Reap the rewards of a well-executed strategy.


Extend your execution beyond a plan

Do more strategy execution with less. Using Cascade and the features that support it, you can quickly align inputs to outcomes for real results.

No garbage in, no garbage out. Cascade spans the entirety of your ecosystem to help you judge the relationships between your business inputs and outcomes, regardless of the tools you use.

Execute with confidence


Gain inspiration.
Get started today.

From famous disruptors to trusted strategy frameworks, there’s a starting point for every business in our strategy library. Browse hundreds of strategy templates, then make them your own.

Health & Safety Plan

An industry-agnostic strategic plan for Health & Safety including objectives, projects, KPIs & dashboards.

Retail Strategy Plan

A holistic strategic tool for Retail industries to reach targeted outcomes, influence consumers and drive revenue.

Customer Service Plan

A universal Customer Service Strategy that provides measurable values to track progress on objectives.

Change Management Plan

A change management strategy can support an organization respond to the change around it and minimize the negative effects.

Finance Strategy Plan

A Finance Strategy plan facilitates allocating and distributing financial resources to meet current and future strategic objectives.

Product Management Plan

A Product Management Strategy framework complete with a series of actions, outcomes and measures to assist organisations.

Move your business forward.

#1 Rated Strategy Execution Platform
Less chaos. Better Decisions. Faster Results.