Blog Content Strategy Template

Create a comprehensive blog content strategy to increase brand awareness, website traffic and engagement.
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Blog Content Strategy Template

What is a Blog Content Strategy?

A blog content strategy is a plan to create content for a blog in order to reach specific goals. It should involve researching the target audience, defining clear objectives, setting measurable targets (KPIs), developing projects to achieve those targets, and tracking the performance of the content. It is an essential part of any content marketing strategy, helping to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and improve engagement with customers.

What's included in this Blog Content Strategy template?


  • 3 focus areas
  • 6 objectives
  • 6 projects
  • 6 KPIs

Each focus area has its own objectives, projects, and KPIs to ensure that the strategy is comprehensive and effective.


Who is the Blog Content Strategy template for?

This blog content strategy template is designed for content marketing teams in various industries. It provides a comprehensive approach to developing a blog content strategy that can help increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, and improve engagement with customers.

1. Define clear examples of your focus areas

The first step in creating a blog content strategy is to define the focus areas. Focus areas are broad topics that your content should address. Examples of strategic focus areas that could fall under a Blog Content Strategy could be: Increase Brand Awareness, Improve Engagement with Customers, and Drive Website Traffic.

2. Think about the objectives that could fall under that focus area

Once you have defined the focus areas, you can then think about the objectives that could fall under each one. Objectives should be specific and measurable goals that you want to achieve with your content. Examples of some objectives for the focus area of Increase Brand Awareness could be: Increase Reach and Visibility, and Increase Engagement.

3. Set measurable targets (KPIs) to tackle the objective

To measure the success of your content, you should set measurable targets (KPIs). KPIs are specific metrics that you can use to track the performance of your content. For example, you could set a KPI to measure the increase in organic search traffic, or the number of social shares.

4. Implement related projects to achieve the KPIs

Once you have set your KPIs, you can then implement related projects to achieve them. A project is an action you take to reach your objectives. For example, you could optimize blog content for SEO or promote content through social media.

5. Utilize Cascade Strategy Execution Platform to see faster results from your strategy

The Cascade Strategy Execution Platform is the perfect tool to help you monitor and track your blog content strategy. It allows you to easily set objectives, track progress, and measure results in real time, giving you faster results from your strategy.

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Blog Content Strategy Template
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